posted by NanaKrustofski,
The two top teams faced each other in the Lower Bracket Finals. Therefore, the loser of the series was eliminated, whereas the winners advanced to the Grand Finals. After two relatively standard matches, it all came down to the final game and both squads went all out. The third game lasted for 80 minutes and concluded with a 49-25 kill score.

During these 80 minutes, Elephant were able to establish a networth lead of 154k. Xu 'Fy' Linsen accumulated 59.5k on his own with Lina. The most farmed player on EHOME's side was Song 'Sccc' Chun who got to 41.4k with Drow Ranger. Even Elephant's position 5 support Ru 'RedPanda' Zhihao was able to surpass the enemy carry, as his Keeper of the Light boasted 43.4k – a dream networth for any support.
With all this prosperity, it is important in which items they invested their gold. The richest player fy went for a BKB, Refresher, MKB, 2 Divine Rapiers, Boots of Travel 2, an Aether Lense, Moon Shard and Aghanim's.
EHOME got eliminated by this wealthy performance and Elephant advanced to the Grand Finals. The superstar roster had to play against Team Aster who were the reason why Elephant went into the Lower Bracket earlier in the tournament.
In the revenge series, fy and his team learned from their mistakes and took the finals with a clean 3-0. For the newly founded team, it is their first tournament victory. So far, they placed second in the CDA-FDC Professional Championship and sixth in the CDA-FDC Professional Championship Season 2.
Photo credit: Valve