posted by Brasozial,
Once a rival who lived evil he’s now a precious ally who wants his crown back.
— OG (@OGesports) January 28, 2020
It is our honor to welcome our new carry player. Please welcome OG. @SumaaaaiL#DreamOG
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So it doesn't come by surprise that OG announced SumaiL as one of their new players. However, it was unforeseen that SumaiL would actually join the squad of OG after the Q&A session about True Sight, to answer a few questions about their joint future. The star player explained that he's excited to play alongside some of the best players in the world and wants to learn more about Dota from Sebastien 'Ceb' Debs and Johan 'BigDaddyN0tail' Sundstein.
They didn't gave a hint on which position SumaiL will play in the new roster during the Q&A at True Sight, but the Tweet says he'll take over as carry. Later today at 8 pm. CET they'll announce the rest of the lineup on Red Bull's Twitch channel.
Which other players will join the squad?
Photo credit: Valve