posted by NanaKrustofski,
joinDOTA wishes you a happy new year! While the old decade came to an end, it also means a new beginning. This includes Dota 2 as well. 2020 is packed with resolutions and tournament highlights that promise an intriguing year of Dota.

New year new goals

Another year, another chance to improve, work hard and have fun. The new decade brings many possibilities to enjoy Dota more, and to put resolutions into practice, or as Invoker says: "So begins a new age of knowledge".

  • Master a new hero
  • Attend a professional Dota tournament
  • Have more fun playing and rage less
  • Take part at a LAN
  • Join a team and scrim with them
  • Feed less
  • Improve your rank
  • Flame less
  • Learn from losses instead of tilting
  • Participate in a tournament
  • Motivate a friend to try out Dota

A milestone is awaiting

Not only your pubs can become entertaining, the competitive scene brings some exciting events to look forward to as well. The dates for the Dota Pro Circuit were released surprisingly early this time, the next event being DreamLeague Season 13: The Leipzig Major which kicks off with the group stage on January 18th already. Teams shuffled their roster constellations, new blood is running through the scene and the game massively changed since the Outlanders Update.

But the highlight of this year will be The International 2020. The biggest tournament in Dota and the pricepool-heaviest among all esports events has its tenth anniversary. Expectations are high, the event itself deserves an intriguing presentation and the matches will be even more hyped. Will OG be able to defend their title once again? Will we see one of the newcomers capture the Aegis? Will the price pool break all records again?

In short: Dota in 2020 looks incredibly promising and exciting.

Where will Dota be in ten years?

The scene experienced an utterly evolution, from the game itself to tournaments, professionalism, organisation, prize money and so on. It is now up to see how Dota changes during the upcoming ten years – and if we might even get Dota 3. We all have the recent game changes still fresh in our minds, but let's take a look at some changes from Dota 1 to Dota 2:

  • The Radiant was called the Sentinel and the Dire was called the Scourge
  • Luna's Eclipse used to cancel Night Stalker' Darkness
  • Silence used to interrupt Riki's Cloak and Dagger
  • Shadow Fiend used to have to wait for souls to reach him, instead of insantly receiving them
  • Hand of Midas used to have a projectile
  • The Fountain used to be vulnerable
  • Drum of Endurance was called Ancient Janggo of Endurance
  • Daedalus was called Buriza-do kyanon

Some pros have been part of the competitive scene for over ten years. Joakim 'Akke' Akterhall concluded the decade with a summary of the past ten years for him.

What do you want to achieve in Dota this year?

Photo credit: Valve
