posted by Tezzeret,
The end draws near, as today we said goodbye to yet another as us Team Liquid took on us Evil Geniuses in the losers bracket finals, followed by the game between se The Alliance and eu Fnatic.EU to determine who would be the first team to proceed to the G-1 Champions League LAN Finals, to be held next month in Shanghai, China.

The loser of todays winner bracket finals and the winner of the losers bracket finals will meet up tomorrow in the final game of the G-1 Western Qualifiers, kicking off at 14:00 CEST.

us Evil Geniuses vs us Team Liquid

Game one saw Team Liquid looking to break their losing spree against Evil Geniuses having gone 0:2 against them on two seperate occasion. EG got off to an early start by drawing first blood on Team Liquid followed by a rebuttal kill by Team Liquid a few minutes later. From early to mid game, both teams were even in terms of farm and kill score. However, once us Tyler 'TC' Cook got his core items up the tide began to turn in Liquid's favour. After taking down a quick Roshan, Team Liquid went on to successfully seige EG's bottom barracks followed by the mid barracks before backing off. EG looked to make a comeback after :nl Alaan 'SexyBamboe' Faraj managed to steal the Aegis of Immortality from Team Liquid and taking out most of Liquid's heroes. Things did not work out for EG in the end as Liquid played safed after losing the Aegis and went for a slow and methodical seige into EG's top lane, which ultimately lead them to claim the Mega Creeps and victory in game one.

Evil Geniuses decided to mix it up a little in game two by picking up Broodmother for SexyBamboe, a hero that has fallen out of competitive favour during recent times. Once again EG was able to grab the quick first blood with a triple gank from Magnus, Venomancer and Rubick. Liquid retaliated by getting a kill of their own and taking a quick tower at bottom lane. A slugfest soon broke out when both North American teams traded kills over and over again, the kill score at 28 minutes was 19-14 in favour of Team Liquid. However EG was down but not out as ca Jio 'Jeyo' Madayag on Phantom Lancer was able to farm up his core items and along with us Clinton 'Fear' Loomis on his trademark Rubick managed to make some big plays for EG and brought the team to the brink of victory. But Liquid bit back hard and successfully defended their top barracks and manage to take down Jeyo and then rushed mid to end the game. Jeyo bought back to defend but a few well placed spells caused a complete turn around for Liquid and took out Jeyo once again. Withou a buyback left, Liquid rushed the throne and forced a swift end to the series.

Team Liquid send rivals Evil Geniuses out of the G-1 Western Qualifiers with a 2-0 score.

se The Alliance vs. eu Fnatic.EU

Fnatic surprised the Swedes by running an interesting trilane with fi Kalle 'Trixi' Saarinen on Weaver backed up by Tidehunter and Dark Seer. After making sure Trixi got off to a decent start, the support slowly started moving around more, freeing up se Jonathan 'Loda' Berg on Shadow Fiend to catch up on his farm. While the whole Alliance team was now finding good farm, the heavy roaming of the Fnatic supports was costing them dearly, as it delayed the ultimate combination which was the backbone of the Fnatic strategy. By the time they got it off during a fight outside of Roshan, it was only enough to barely draw the engagement, and next time around the Alliance came prepared with excellent warding in the woods above the Roshan pit, which allowed them to kill off Magnus before the fight began and se Jerry 'EGM' Lundkvist on Rubick to steal himself a Ravage, which they then used to help take mid Barracks, causing Fnatic to tap out of game one.

With Fnatic picking up the Keeper of the Light and Phantom Lancer combination, which promped the Alliance to crank up the early aggression to another level, with great roaming from EGM on Shadown Demon and se Joakim 'Akke' Akterhall on Leshrac completely shutting down dk Johan 'n0tail' Sundstein's Storm Spirit in mid, and then proceeding to start tormenting their countryman se Adrian 'Era' Kryeziu on the Phantom Lancer. However, slowly the Alliance gank train started to loose some steam, allowing Fnatic to start trading kills in fights and giving Era and n0tail the space to farm up some core items, giving them an opening to maybe outlast their opponents. Sensing that they needed to act sooner rather than later, the Alliance pushed out the lanes and proceeded to engage at the top lane, returning each time they were driven off until they claimed the set of Barracks, and then proceeding to attempt to do the same at mid. But this was the point when the game began to turn, allowing Fnatic to turn back the push as Era had not just Diffusal Blade but a Heart of Tarrasque up. But a failed attempt by Fnatic to steal a Roshan kill gave the Swedes the opening to take half of mid lane, forcing Era to buy back, which turned out to be crucial, as after being chased off and respawning, the Alliance smoked up and came in again, bumping into Era on the frontlines and killing him off, which spelled 'GG' for Fnatic in game two.

The Alliance take the first of two spots for the G-1 LAN finals by defeating Fnatic.EU 2-0.

