posted by Brasozial,
The end of ESL One Birmingham 2018 is the kickoff for two huge NA shuffles. On the one hand Evil Geniuses dropped two players and on the other, compLexity Gaming is finally a five man stack again. coL welcomes two long lost sons

Not long ago, David 'Moonmeander' Tan was still part of the Canadian stack around Kurtis 'Aui_2000' Ling. After they left Digital Chaos* the squad decided to go separate ways. Now MoonMeander has a new home at coL, where he already played for one year from mid 2014 until mid 2015.

The second player to join the team is Adam Erwann 'Adam' Shah who was part of Fnatic for six month as a coach. As with MoonMeander this is not his first involvement with coL, since he had been their coach for two months in June - but now he will return as an active player to the support position.

Moo will go back to Position 1

Adam and MoonMeander joining coL means that a position swap is needed within the team. While Adam will be playing on the vacant position 5 , MoonMeander will go to the spot where he feels at home the most: Offlane.

This means that David 'Moo' Hull will switch back to the hard carry position, where he already played before the Swedes joined the lineup.

The addition of the two new players means that another player will have to leave the squad. Rasmus 'Chessie' Blomdin's second period at coL has come to an end. But there is no bad blood: Chessie has accepted that he got dropped. He's already searching for another squad to make it to TI qualifier.

“It’s been a pretty crazy year with compLexity! A lot of things have happened since I joined after TI. We’ve had a super packed schedule with a lot of travels all year and pretty much haven't had any time off, and on top of that we moved out of our team house in Florida and relocated to new facilities in Texas.

As much as it sucks to leave all of this behind, at the end of the day we didn't get the results we had hoped for and the team felt these changes were necessary to increase the chances to qualify for TI which I respect. This is a business and your livelihood, and to stay on top sometimes you need to make tough decisions. No hard feelings at all, it is what it is. I will definitely keep playing Dota. I feel good about my skill level and will be looking for a new team with new adventures as soon as possible.

Big thanks to Jason Lake, Beef, Josh and my teammates for the good times. compLexity is without a doubt one of the absolute best organizations in the business and I am very grateful to have been a part of it on and off for the last few years!”

Lineup compLexity Gaming
David 'Moo' Hull
Linus 'Limmp' Blomdin
David 'Moonmeander' Tan
Zakari 'ZfreeK' Freedman
Adam Erwann 'Adam' Shah

Which team would Chessie be the perfect addition for?

Photo credit: ESL

  • Brasozial


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