posted by Abelle,
nl Alaan 'Bamboe' Faraj has joined HellRaisers, replacing Swiftending and causing a small role shuffle. 📛@SexyBamboe joins HellRaisers.Dota 2— HellRaisers Esports (@HELLRAISERSgg) September 6, 2017

Bamboe will be taking over the offlane for HellRaisers. He's played both offlane and support in the past, but his most recent role was support for ph Geek Fam. That said, Bamboe is a player with a ton of history in the scene, from playing with gr Ad Finem in The International 2012 to a stint with a strong 2013 us Evil Geniuses and of course his time with fan favourites us Team Zephyr* in Korea.

With Bamboe taking over the offlane, 33 has moved to the carry role. The two have played together before, but at the time when they were both on Kaipi, Bamboe was support and 33 was the offlaner, so the dynamic will be somewhat different this time around.

HellRaisers competed at The International 2017 as the second European qualifier squad. They fought their way through European open qualifiers as Planet Dog before being signed by HR. In Seattle however, they failed to make it to the main stage after winning just one of sixteen games in the group stage.

The HellRaisers roster is:
il Neta '33' Shapira
gr Grigorios 'Keyser' Kallianiotis
nl Alaan 'Bamboe' Faraj
ba Milan 'MiLAN' Kozomara
by Aleksei 'j4' Lipai

Header image credit: Sebastian Ekman/DreamHack

  • Abelle


    Annabelle Fischer
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