posted by Malystryx.GDS,

The solution is simple: automatically make the highest MMR player the Captain. Captain's Mode in ranked play is sometimes not ideal due to the fact it often stretches out the game time as well as the quickest person on the mouse can become captain. This can lead to arguements even before the battle has begun over picks and bans.
The patch earlier today also includes a failsafe if the Captain disconnects during the draft, which can cause games to deteriorate when heroes are chosen at random as a result. Should the Captain disconnect the system will now automatically assign a new Captain.
Highest ranked player will be Team Captain now in Ranked CM. #Dota2 #March31Update
— Wykrhm Reddy (@wykrhm) 31 March 2016
All Pick is currently unavailable for Ranked Matches, leaving only Captain's Mode and Random Draft as gametypes for MMR matches.
Is this the answer to ranked Captain's Mode?