posted by BlackWidow.FnL,
Semi Finals
Game 1Game 2Game 3 CDEC Gaming vs Virtus Pro 0:04:00 CDEC Gaming0:6Virtus Pro Virtus Pro are able to get first blood on their mid Razor by killing off the CDEC Slark while trying to grab the top bounty rune. The grouping up of Virtus Pro's heroes all across the mid and top lanes see them take a very convincing lead.8:00 CDEC Gaming1:9Virtus Pro CDEC are able to finally get on the board by killing off the Clockwerk in the Radiant jungle, adding some much needed experience on the Ogre Magi.16:00 CDEC Gaming7:13Virtus Pro The full Virtus Pro decide to go into the Roshan pit, and get him down to less than half health, but a rocket from Clockwerk helps CDEC move in to the river and a fight ensues. Virtus Pro come out on top, only losing a support Mirana for CDEC's Clockwerk.24:00 CDEC Gaming10:18Virtus Pro Virtus Pro were able to go back into the Roshan pit at the 20 minute mark and were able to secure the Aegis on the Sven. Led by the Razor, Virtus then pressured the top Tier 2 tower as the Death Prophet tried to attack the Dire bottom Tier 1 tower. CDEC are relying too much on the Death Prophet, who has not secured a Tier 1 tower as of yet, and are waiting for Slark to get his big items.32:00 CDEC Gaming15:24Virtus Pro The second Roshan spawns at the 30th minute and Virtus Pro are able to claim it uncontested from CDEC. With the Aegis on God's Sven again, Virtus Pro smoke and head into the top Dire jungle. They are able to spot an out-of-position Clockwerk, and kill him off before losing their Mirana. More heroes come to the fight and Virtus Pro kill off the Lich and Death Prophet for their Nature's Prophet.40:00 CDEC Gaming18:27Virtus Pro With a refresher orb on BBZ's Razor, Virtus Pro push towards the Tier 3 bottom tower, but a massive Chain Frost from Lich caught them off guard and pushed them backwards. CDEC come out on top, killing off BZZ and Sedoy for their Lich and Clockwek.46:00 CDEC Gaming24:28Virtus Pro With a Razor and Nature's Prophet out of action after a fight at the Tier 2 bottom Dire tower, CDEC are able to claim the third Roshan and put the Aegis on the Slark and the Cheese on the Death Prophet. A failed smoke gang from Virtus Pro cause them to lose Mirana, Orge Magi and Razor and causes CDEC to claim a mid and a bottom racks advantage.48:00 CDEC Gaming28:33Virtus Pro With two racks down, Virtus Pro needed an amazing team fight to stay in the game. CDEC pushed the top tier 3 and head for the racks and all hell broke lose. Losing the Razor early forced a buyback, but they were able to get Slark's second life taken away. Losing CDEC's Skywrath and Clockwerk cost Virtus Pro their dwindling BKB charges. A dieback death to Razor and further deaths to the Nature's Prophet caused Virtus Pro to tap out and call the GG, with the final screen image a Slark ready to pounce onto a suffering Mirana. CDEC Gaming vs Virtus Pro 1:01:00 Virtus Pro1:0CDEC Gaming A surprising dual lane Lich and Mirana mid manage to kill off the solo mid Viper for CDEC for first blood.6:00 Virtus Pro4:4CDEC Gaming An extra mid rotation from the Skywrath Mage allow CDEC to get kills on the Lich and the Mirana for their support Crystal Maiden.11:00 Virtus Pro9:10CDEC Gaming A 3 man smoke towards the bottom lane by the Skywrath, Faceless Void and Crystal Maiden are able to pick off yol’s Ogre Magi, meanwhile in the mid lane, a JotM Chain Frost ulti and a double starstorm proc from G are able to kill off the highly farmed Slark.17:00 Virtus Pro15:14CDEC Gaming While trying to take down the Radiant bottom tier 1 tower, a Chronosphere is able to trap BZZ's Necrophos with the help of the Skywrath Mage. They manage to take out BZZ and get a late Mirana kill, in exchange for their Viper and Skywrath.28:00 Virtus Pro23:22CDEC Gaming Pick offs all across the map has the team kill scores fairly tight. Virtus Pro have come out on top in a few fights, but the Slark is still proving a scary force. A push at the middle tier 3 breaks out into a fight, that kills off CDEC's Viper, with his 6 second BKB, and a Faceless Void for the Mirana. A death to the Slark in the river with a Necrophos ulti has him sitting on the sidelines for a good minute.35:00 Virtus Pro28:24CDEC Gaming Virtus Pro go for the first Roshan of the match, and spot a Viper on the high ground. The Necophos ulti puts him out of the game for a minute and a half as Virtus Pro push towards the mid lane, taking down the mid lane and both barracks. A team fight causes a full team wipe of CDEC while trying to defend the top lane and barracks, with the Slark sitting on the sideline for two minutes.37:00 Virtus Pro33:24CDEC Gaming With the Slark out for a decent time and with the pushing power too much for CDEC, they call out the GG, taking this series into a deciding game 3. CDEC Gaming vs Virtus Pro 1:12:00 CDEC Gaming0:1Virtus Pro The dual lane top of Ogre Magi and Slark are able to get the first blood on the offlane Batrider after a lengthy chase from the Ogre and lucky stuns.6:00 CDEC Gaming1:4Virtus Pro As CDEC's Enchantress with two creeps, the Lycan and Skywrath tried to chip down the bottom dire Tier 1 tower, teleports in from the Ogre Magi and the Viper allowed Virtus Pro to turn the tide, getting the kills on the Skywrath Mage and the Enchantress, and a deny on the tower.12:00 CDEC Gaming2:9Virtus Pro Virtus Pro have the mid game advantage, as a lot of the mid game items are up on their heroes, with an 11 minute Blink on the Tidehunter and an early Mek on the Viper. The early game has given VP a three tower advantage, and CDEC are in trouble.17:00 CDEC Gaming5:13Virtus Pro A kill on the Lycan in the top dire jungle with a lucky Chain Frost onto recently summoned wolves and a ravage sees Virtus Pro take another fight, but with their ultis used up, it restricts their push for the time being, giving CDEC some limited breathing space.26:00 CDEC Gaming10:18Virtus Pro A smoke from CDEC inside their jungle lead them towards the first Roshan of the match. Virtus Pro spy on them from outside the pit, but when they move in for the Aegis steal, everything falls apart. Lycan is able to pick up the Aegis amongst the carnage, as Virtus Pro are decimated - losing their Tidehunter, Ogre Magi and Slark for a mere Skywrath Mage, a very costly mistake.34:00 CDEC Gaming10:19Virtus Pro A four man Virtus Pro decide to try and pick of Lycan in the middle lane, but the Lycan shapeshifts and BKB's away to safety, while the Puck tries to push in the top lane, reducing VP's map control.36:00 CDEC Gaming10:20Virtus Pro Trying to turn around their fortunes, Virtus Pro go for the second Roshan, but a lucky flame burst by Batrider pushes the Tidehunter on to the cliff and allows the Batrider to complete the Aegis steal. He immediately loses the aegis and his remaining life, but it was a worthy trade to further starve VP.43:00 CDEC Gaming10:20Virtus Pro A full VP team smoke towards the top lane manages to find a Lycan, as the Ravage and Chain Frost are used on the Lycan. VP force their way towards the top T3, and try and push the buyback from the Lycan, but the distraction from the Puck attacking the bottom Tier 3 tower delays the buyback.51:00 CDEC Gaming23:35Virtus Pro Virtus Pro group up and attempt to move towards the middle lane, as CDEC attempt to split push and reach high ground in the top lane. Virtus Pro are forced backwards, but managed to stop the push. They lose the Lich and the Ogre, for a significant victory in the death of the Batrider, Enchantress and the Puck after the major fight. 57:00 CDEC Gaming27:39Virtus Pro Virtus Pro go for the recently respawned Roshan, but CDEC had a better idea. Once again, using the Batrider as the initiator, he managed to blink in and steal the Aegis from underneath VP. With a Puck looking on, as the Batrider was respawning, the Puck blinked in and got off a three man silence and Dream Coil combination to allow extra time for CDEC to come in. CDEC were able to kill off the Viper, but lost Lycan in the process. Both are on the sidelines for more than 100 seconds and both without buybacks.61:00 CDEC Gaming32:45Virtus Pro Virtus Pro head towards the base, pushing in the tier 3 tower and getting the racks, when a huge fight breaks out. Many heroes die with lengthy time outs and immediate buybacks. Virtus Pro leave with a two barracks advantage. 63:00 CDEC Gaming32:50Virtus Pro Virtus Pro make one last push in the mid lane, with the Lycan putting up a very strong fight. With the Lycan and Puck on the sidelines, CDEC call GG after a very competitive game, allowing Virtus Pro to secure the best of three and leading them one step closer towards the grand prize, as they prepare to take on Team Immunity in the best-of-five grand final series coming up soon.
This article was written by Mary Egan, joinDOTA's writer.Growing up in the land Down Under, BlackWidow.FnL was first introduced to WC3 Dota as part of a weekly Friday Night LAN held by her friends, hense the FnL tag. When not playing Dota 2, you can find her leaping from tall buildings into haystacks.Location: Sydney, AustraliaFollow her on @Mary_McFly_1107.