posted by Meliora.Infinitum,
ru has just announced their departure from the Excellent Moscow Cup leaving the tournament administration looking for a replacement. They quickly found a substitute in us Complexity Gaming and their brand new team consisting of professional HoN players, who just a while back migrated to Dota 2.

Image courtesy of Excellent Moscow Cup

The departure of ru seems sudden in the light all things, but it could simply be their way of preparing for the i-League LAN event in Shanghai, China. us Complexity Gaming on the other hand are no doubt delighted by the chance to prove themselves in a tournament that features the likes of ua Na’Vi, ru Team Empire and ru Moscow Five, and the potential for their first ever LAN finals in Dota 2.

us compLexity Gaming lineup:

us Kyle "swindlemelonzz" Freedman
se Linus "Limmp" Blomdin
us Zakari "Zfreek" Freedman
us Andrew "Riser_" Bronze
ca David "MoonMeander" Tan

This article was written by fi Teemu Ikonen, joinDOTA's Senior Writer. Meliora.Infinitum got absorbed into Dota during a LAN party between TI and TI2, and has been captivated ever since. Spends his spare time outdoors taking photos and writing a book. Believer of alternate universes, no legs strat and Half Life 3. Location: Espoo, FinlandFollow him on @MelioraInf.
