posted by Tezzeret,

First lets talk about the match against Na'Vi. The two games you lost you lost to the Chen + Pudge combo. Why did you lose it? Wast it because you weren't familiar playing against these heroes?
Part of the reason would be that, we have never played against such playstyle. Another important reason was that we just did not play well. The fountain hook was our own problem and we did not perform as well as we should have, we were happy with our hero line up during those games.
Let's talk about the fountain hook issue, do you think this should be in the game or do you think it is a bug?
It is hard to say really, if you ask me it is a bug but at the same time it isn't a bug. However I do feel that it is really unbalanced because when you are behind and attempting the fountain hook, there is no risk in it. There is no risk in attempting to fountain hook for a kill. For me, this is very unbalanced for Dota 2.
So in your opinion. It should be fixed?
Yes indeed.
So you lost the first game against Invictus Gaming last night but managed to win the final two games. How did you win these two games?
When we lost to Na'Vi we were not in a good mode and thus were not in good form. We were quite tired since the game was played so late. This caused us to draft badly and play at a disadvantage from the start. After a good night's sleep, we told ourselves that we cannot lose anymore and we felt that we are not worse than iG. We managed to play on form and thus winning the match.
Let's talk about your next match against Orange. How hard are they to play against and why are they hard?
I think we have an advantage playing against Orange, we won the majority of our matches in trainings and official matches so we are mentally at an advantage. We also play better in all phases of the game, be it early, mid or late game. However we also need to see how they perform, I do not think that we are worse than them.
So this year's Top four of The International we have two European teams, one Chinese team and one South East Asian team. What do you think is the reason that cause the Asian teams not performing as well as last year's?
I feel it comes down to preperation, teams did not prepare as much as they should have. Success is reserved to those that prepare. If you prepare more, you will naturally get closer to success. If you do not prepare, then it is all over. The two European made ample preparation and they have a lot of ways to counter the Chinese playstyle, we also do not understand them that well. Finally I think we as Cinese felt that we are the best in the world so we became complacent and did not put much effort into it. However this year's International gave us a whole new outlook so I believe that after getting home from Seattle, we will put more effort into it.
iceiceice from Zenith have mentioned that the Chinese team do not want to play on the South East Asian servers instead want to play on the Chinese Perfect World server. Do you think this is one of the reason that there is not enough preparations?
Hmm. How should should I put this. I do not think this is the reason. We are very willing to train with them but when we play in Singapore servers, we have 300+ ping. It is very laggy to play under such condition, but when they use our Perfect World server, they will lag as well. I feel that if you are training under such condition, you won't be able to get much from it. So we decided not to train with then and instead train with Chinese teams. If our Internet connection is good, we are willing to train with anyone. More training is always better for anyone.
So final question. Ever since you guys added KingJ to the team, TongFu have been performing well. What does KingJ bring to the team that caused such increased performance?
This is because the heroes that he is good as is very important to our team. Some examples are his Beastmaster and Enigma, he plays these heroes very well. We drafted these Beastmaster in the second game against iG and Enigma in the third game. Everyone can see the effect of these heroes on the game, so I feel that is the reason we improve so well. We are sensitive to how good he is on these two heroes.
The rest of the time is yours for shoutouts to fans and sponsors.
A very big thank you to all that have supported me and my team all this time. I am also very grateful to my sponsor, TongFu Porridge.

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