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    24 / 8
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Team Members

All Results

joinDOTA League America Season #13

Stage Group Result
Preseason Playoffs - -
Groupstage North America 3.1 Disqualified
Playoffs - -

joinDOTA League America Season #12

Stage Group Result
Preseason Playoffs Preseason Playoffs Eliminated in Round of 64 (bo1)
Groupstage North America 3.2 Rank: 1. (8/0)
Playoffs Div 2-3 Playoffs Eliminated in LB Final (Bo3)

joinDOTA League America Season #11

Stage Group Result
Preseason Playoffs - -
Groupstage North America S.3 Rank: 2. (11/3)
Playoffs Div 3-4 Calibration Won!

Logs (9)

Time User Action Target
snow11 member_join
Altama member_kick ochir1777
Altama member_captain uchralwow
ochir1777 member_join
i5kand3RRR member_join
Do_omka member_join
Babuna member_join
uchralwow member_join
Altama create