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    Sorry, contact information only visible for admins and opponents.
  • Matches Played:
  • Record:
    69 / 56
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Team Members

All Results

joinDOTA League Europe Season #12

Stage Group Result
Preseason Playoffs Preseason Playoffs Eliminated in Round of 16 (bo1)
Groupstage Europe 4.1 Disqualified
Playoffs - -

joinDOTA League Europe Season #11

Stage Group Result
Preseason Playoffs - -
Groupstage Europe 4.2 Rank: 6. (0/10)
Playoffs - -

joinDOTA League Europe Season #10

Stage Group Result
Preseason Playoffs - -
Groupstage Europe 4.4 Rank: 5. (8/8)
Playoffs - -

joinDOTA League Europe Season #9

Stage Group Result
Groupstage Balkan 3.1 Rank: 8. (4/12)
Playoffs Div 3-4 Playoffs Eliminated in Final (bo3)

joinDOTA League Europe Season #8

Stage Group Result
Groupstage Southern Europe 3.1 Rank: 5. (9/9)
Playoffs - -

joinDOTA League Europe Season #7

Stage Group Result
Groupstage Balkan 4.1 Rank: 1. (15/3)
Playoffs - -

joinDOTA League Europe Season #6

Stage Group Result
Groupstage Balkan 5.3 Rank: 4. (10/8)
Playoffs Div 4-5 Playoffs Won!

joinDOTA League Europe Season #5

Stage Group Result
Groupstage Serbia S.1 Rank: 3. (15/3)
Playoffs - -

Logs (53)

Time User Action Target
bata barata member_join
bocko save
iNphiNitY. member_leave
bocko save
bocko member_kick Divlji
LookAtMyStyle leader_transfer bocko
bocko member_join
totosan member_leave
totosan leader_transfer LookAtMyStyle
Divlji member_join
totosan save
totosan save
totosan member_kick nkfoxi
totosan member_kick Cimer
iNphiNitY. member_join
totosan save
totosan save
totosan save
totosan save
LookAtMyStyle leader_transfer totosan
totosan member_join
totosan member_leave
totosan leader_transfer LookAtMyStyle
LookAtMyStyle member_join
totosan member_uncaptain Boss.Xstyle
totosan member_kick Legend_yoya
totosan save
totosan member_captain Boss.Xstyle
totosan member_kick foxjenoobara
Hack3r-x member_join
totosan member_uncaptain Boss.Xstyle
Legend_yoya member_join
totosan member_kick AxeSSS
totosan member_kick blingakabling
totosan member_captain Boss.Xstyle
Boss.Xstyle member_join
AxeSSS member_join
totosan save
totosan save
totosan save
totosan save
Boss.Xstyle member_leave
Boss.Xstyle leader_transfer totosan
blingakabling member_join
Boss.Xstyle member_captain totosan
Boss.Xstyle save
Boss.Xstyle save
foxjenoobara member_join
Cimer member_join
Boss.Xstyle save
totosan member_join
nkfoxi member_join
Boss.Xstyle create