System (Team 2) |
lineup_notready |
The lineup of team 2 was not ready in time, default win for opponent |
Lorenof (Team 2) |
lineup_player_ready |
XoaKuH (Team 2) |
lineup_player_ready |
XoaKuH (Team 2) |
lineup_player_ready |
VERDICTx (Team 2) |
hosting_submit |
Luxembourg, face |
VERDICTx (Team 2) |
lineup_player_ready |
Jin. (Team 1) |
lineup_player_ready |
(Team 1) |
lineup_player_ready |
RedOrc (Team 1) |
lineup_player_ready |
Pineapplefruitdude (Team 1) |
lineup_player_ready |
cryan (Team 1) |
lineup_player_ready |
XoaKuH (Team 2) |
lineup_submit |
1378763:Asunnaaa, 1434429:Lorenof, 1344318:VERDICTx, 1361450:XoaKuH, 1459027:Netherite |
Pineapplefruitdude (Team 1) |
lineup_submit |
114793:cryan, 265151:Urgel, 406001:Jin., 742989:Pineapplefruitdude, 100365:RedOrc |
System (admin) |
scheduling_autoconfirm |
Suggest was made more than 48 hours ago. |
Pineapplefruitdude (Team 1) |
scheduling_suggest |
0: Sun, 14 Apr 2019 20:00:00 +0200 |
Pineapplefruitdude (Team 1) |
lineup_submit |
114793:cryan, 313809:strudel, 265151:Urgel, 406001:Jin., 742989:Pineapplefruitdude |
Helga (admin) |
change_time |
Manually adjusted time to 2019-04-11 20:00 +0200 |