Mulerio (admin) |
change_score_status |
Manually adjusted score to 1:1 and status to finished |
Fullback (Team 2) |
score_report |
1:1 |
DLC (Team 2) |
lineup_player_ready |
Fullback (Team 2) |
hosting_submit |
US East, YG vs ACP |
gbL (Team 2) |
lineup_player_ready |
elputobenny123 (Team 2) |
lineup_player_ready |
rKaYwHo (Team 1) |
lineup_player_ready |
MauroTheNiNJA (Team 2) |
lineup_player_ready |
Fullback (Team 2) |
lineup_player_ready |
Fullback (Team 2) |
lineup_submit |
314065:Fullback, 1439808:DLC, 871661:gbL, 782585:elputobenny123, 127537:MauroTheNiNJA |
Wors3 (Team 1) |
lineup_player_ready |
Eudamonic (Team 1) |
lineup_player_ready |
youngserf (Team 1) |
lineup_player_ready |
YoungayKo (Team 1) |
lineup_player_ready |
YoungayKo (Team 1) |
lineup_submit |
814351:Eudamonic, 247401:rKaYwHo, 868377:Wors3, 813525:YoungayKo, 814283:youngserf |
Drakolych (admin) |
change_time |
Manually adjusted time to 2019-02-22 03:00 +0100 |