MightyGodsCrono (Team 2) |
score_report |
2:0 |
MightyGodsZeus (Team 2) |
lineup_player_ready |
YoungayKo (Team 1) |
hosting_submit |
US East, JDL - YG VS MG |
Eudamonic (Team 1) |
lineup_player_ready |
Wors3 (Team 1) |
lineup_player_ready |
MightyGodsCrono (Team 2) |
lineup_player_ready |
MightyXboct (Team 2) |
lineup_player_ready |
MightyExy (Team 2) |
lineup_player_ready |
MightyEros (Team 2) |
lineup_player_ready |
youngserf (Team 1) |
lineup_player_ready |
rKaYwHo (Team 1) |
lineup_player_ready |
YoungayKo (Team 1) |
lineup_player_ready |
YoungayKo (Team 1) |
lineup_submit |
868377:Wors3, 814351:Eudamonic, 247401:rKaYwHo, 813525:YoungayKo, 814283:youngserf |
MightyGodsCrono (Team 2) |
lineup_submit |
1039286:MightyGodsCrono, 1041419:MightyEros, 1428612:MightyExy, 1044440:MightyGodsZeus, 1350096:MightyXboct |
Drakolych (admin) |
change_time |
Manually adjusted time to 2019-02-14 03:00 +0100 |
Drakolych (admin) |
change_time |
Manually adjusted time to 2019-02-15 03:00 +0100 |