System (Team 1) |
lineup_notready |
The lineup of team 1 was not ready in time, default win for opponent |
Xven (Team 2) |
hosting_submit |
Luxembourg, Hal vs. SbG |
corruption (Team 2) |
lineup_player_ready |
Birb (Team 2) |
lineup_player_ready |
kopfvollott (Team 2) |
lineup_player_ready |
Spielverderbaer (Team 2) |
lineup_player_ready |
Xven (Team 2) |
lineup_player_ready |
Patroclus (Team 1) |
lineup_submit |
1264696:GasBeaRK, 868135:JA95, 868259:Patroclus, 425851:IA2013, 867615:Norma |
System (admin) |
scheduling_autoconfirm |
Suggest was made more than 48 hours ago. |
kopfvollott (Team 2) |
lineup_submit |
1298757:kopfvollott, 1247116:Xven, 1405826:Birb, 111843:corruption, 1398995:Spielverderbaer |
kopfvollott (Team 2) |
scheduling_suggest |
0: Sun, 17 Feb 2019 19:00:00 +0100 |