Time | User | Action | Details |
Mulerio (admin) | change_score | Manually adjusted score to 1:0 | |
System (admin) | lineup_notready | Both teams lineups not ready in time, match closed | |
TeamLeagueJing (Team 1) | lineup_submit | 1380407:TeamLeagueJing, 1380650:TeamLeagueAllStarRandy, 1380662:TeamLeagueAllStarJhay, 1380671:TeamLeagueAllStarJohn, 1380734:TeamLeagueAllStarJan2x | |
Kesslerr (Team 1) | hosting_submit | Singapore, Asia 4.1 TLAS Vs GC | |
glem3mx (Team 2) | lineup_submit | 1378169:glem3mx, 1385225:Greever-, 1381052:Kesslerr, 1382201:NoctisLucisCaelum, 1405961:taetamaki | |
glem3mx (Team 2) | lineup_submit | 1379690:Panty Dropper, 1405961:taetamaki, 1378169:glem3mx, 1382201:NoctisLucisCaelum, 1381052:Kesslerr | |
glem3mx (Team 2) | scheduling_confirm | Sat, 10 Nov 2018 12:45:00 +0100 | |
TeamLeagueJing (Team 1) | lineup_submit | 1380407:TeamLeagueJing, 1380734:TeamLeagueAllStarJan2x, 1380662:TeamLeagueAllStarJhay, 1380650:TeamLeagueAllStarRandy, 1380671:TeamLeagueAllStarJohn | |
TeamLeagueJing (Team 1) | scheduling_suggest | 0: Fri, 09 Nov 2018 12:45:00 +0100 1: Sat, 10 Nov 2018 12:45:00 +0100 2: Sun, 11 Nov 2018 12:30:00 +0100 |
Mulerio (admin) | change_time | Manually adjusted time to 2018-11-11 13:00 +0100 |