2018-10-29 13:00 CET
Playday 4
Dota Hero

Team DH

two games


      Logs (11)
      Time User Action Details
      Helga (admin) change_score_status Manually adjusted score to 2:0 and status to finished
      System (Team 2) lineup_missing Team 2 has not submitted a lineup in time, default win for opponent
      kutoyuno (Team 1) lineup_submit 447071:imrbun, 1302796:joejoeloh, 439601:kutoyuno, 732757:snphoenix, 1120579:Magical1998
      Helga (admin) change_time Manually adjusted time to 2018-10-29 13:00 +0100
      Helga (admin) change_time Manually adjusted time to 2018-11-10 14:00 +0100
      Helga (admin) change_status Manually adjusted status to upcoming
      System (admin) lineup_missing Both teams have not submitted a lineup in time, match closed
      Helga (admin) change_time Manually adjusted time to 2018-10-24 14:00 +0200
      Helga (admin) change_time Manually adjusted time to 2018-10-21 10:00 +0200
      Helga (admin) change_status Manually adjusted status to upcoming
      System (admin) lineup_missing Both teams have not submitted a lineup in time, match closed
