2018-07-23 05:00 CEST


best of three
      Logs (11)
      Time User Action Details
      System (Team 2) lineup_notready The lineup of team 2 was not ready in time, default win for opponent
      MightyGodsZeus (Team 1) lineup_player_ready
      MightyXboct (Team 1) lineup_player_ready
      MightyEros (Team 1) lineup_player_ready
      DynamoGoku (Team 1) lineup_player_ready
      MightyGodsCrono (Team 1) lineup_player_ready
      MightyGodsCrono (Team 1) lineup_submit 1041419:MightyEros, 1039286:MightyGodsCrono, 1044440:MightyGodsZeus, 1350096:MightyXboct, 1349304:DynamoGoku
      MightyGodsZeus (Team 1) hosting_submit US East, M.G. vs. Pizzadog
      MossieDota (Team 2) lineup_submit 1346772:Cjkirocracer, 171574:CptnCanuck, 634779:Dantheman221, 920717:MossieDota, 1270390:Fullriptide
      System (admin) scheduling_autoconfirm Suggest was made more than 48 hours ago.
      MightyGodsCrono (Team 1) scheduling_suggest 0: Mon, 23 Jul 2018 05:00:00 +0200
      1: Sun, 22 Jul 2018 05:00:00 +0200
      2: Mon, 23 Jul 2018 04:00:00 +0200
