Sign Up
2019-06-01 12:00 GMT
2019-06-17 11:00 GMT
A quick ready-check will be performed to make sure all participants are present to play
2019-06-17 10:30 GMT
2019-06-17 11:00 GMT
2019-06-17 11:00 GMT
2019-06-18 18:00 GMT


  • Status
  • Type
    Team (5)
  • Format


(Times are shown in your local timezone.)

Brawl Schedule

Day 1

Signup start:
Checkin start:
Checkin end:
First matches:

Day 2

First matches:


Raffle Winner:

We are happy to announce that OpenAI won the raffle and with it $150 USD. The team has already been contacted.


The brawl winner will receive $150 USD and qualify for the Premier Division this season. Also, each team that has played at least one match, will have the opportunity to win another $150 USD in a raffle. The brawl winner is excluded from this raffle.


A full ruleset for the joinDOTA League Brawls can be found here.


The following rules apply to the open qualifier phase of joinDOTA League Brawls.


  1. General Rules
  2. Structure and Format
  3. Teams and Players
  4. Hosting and Punctuality
  5. Sides and Drafting Order
  6. During a game
  7. After a game
  8. Rule Violation and Punishment
  9. Legal Process

General Rules


Everybody who is authorized by Freaks 4U Gaming to administrate joinDOTA League Brawls based on its rules and regulations will be called an "admin" in the following, the collection of all admins will be called the "administration".

Participants and Commitment

Every individual with a valid steam account, unless officially banned, is allowed to participate in joinDOTA League Brawls and will be called "participant" in the following. A group of participants fulfilling the minimum required number of team members will be called a "team" in the following.

By signing up to joinDOTA League Brawls, participants acknowledge without limitation to comply with the rules and regulations and with the statements and decisions made by the administration.

Every participant acknowledges the right for the administration to modify the rules and regulations for adjustments at any time without notice and, if necessary, overrule those to ensure fair play throughout each season.

Every participant must show respect towards admins and other participants. Insults and unfair or disrespectful behaviour towards anyone are not tolerated and will be punished.

Every participant must always have the newest version of Steam and Dota 2 installed and must check for updates with enough time to download and install them before each match. Unless a new version comes out right before the match, patching is not a valid reason to delay it.

Every participant including stand-ins must be registered on and have their correct steam ID entered as a game account in the GameSports network.

Every team and participant must try to win every game at any point of joinDOTA League Brawls. Purposefully losing for any reason is strictly forbidden.

Vulgar, racist, sexist or otherwise offensive team or players names or pictures are forbidden. Names with deliberately changed size and format are also not allowed.


All communication must be held in English at all times in joinDOTA League Brawls.

All communication between opposing teams should be conducted through the official website (e.g. match pages). Any other form of communication may not be accepted as valid by the administration in case of conflict. This specifically includes chat via the Steam client.

The administration may only be contacted via support tickets. This helps admins to coordinate as a team and work faster on issues than with the help of other platforms. Any other form of communication may be ignored.


All direct communication between teams and the organizers is confidential. This includes reports, protests or any form of interactions with admins. The publication of any of the above is forbidden, unless the organizers give explicit permission in a written statement.


The format for each brawl will be announced on the tournament page.

Teams and Players

Team Size

A team must consist of at least five (5) and at most ten (10) participants. Those participants will be called "team members" or "members" of the team in the following.


In order to sign up for the joinDOTA League Brawls, a team must have five (5) members with valid steam IDs. Teams and their players which are already qualified to the Premier Division are not allowed to partitipate.

Each brawl is limited to 128 participants. 30 minutes before the end of the signup period, teams have to confirm their participation by checking in.

Teams can still check in to the tournament even after the maximum amount of teams was reached. They are put on a waiting list until the signup phase is over, and still have a chance to enter the tournament if another team pulls out or gets removed.

Player and Roster Restrictions

A player needs to apply to change the Steam ID associated with their GameSports network account before the end of the signup period. After this point, players need to play with the steam accounts they registered with.

Only the person that is marked as leader can transfer their leadership to another person. The leadership can also be forcefully changed if more than 50% of the team members decide on a new leader. This must be requested via a support ticket.

Teams are not allowed to use stand-ins. Stand-ins are participants playing for a team without being a team member on the website.

Hosting and Punctuality

Lobby Hosting

The team which is shown first on the official match page has to host the lobby. If the lobby isn't hosted 10 minutes after the official match time, the second team must do it. The team who has hosted must write the lobby information (name, password and server) in the "Hosting Tool" on the match page.


The official match time of Round 1 matches is clearly defined on the match page.

For further rounds the official match time is 5 minutes after both previous matches are closed with a result.

If one team is not ready to start their game 15 minutes after the official match time, this team loses the match by default.


Any person may join the game's lobby as a broadcaster or unassigned player if both teams allow it. If one team asks a spectator to leave before or during the game, they must do so immediately.

Official broadcasters, joinDOTA staff members and anyone authorized by an admin have the right to spectate any game without the agreement of the teams.

Server Location

The default server location depends on the region:

  • joinDOTA League Brawls America: US East
  • joinDOTA League Brawls Asia: Singapore

In case one team has severely bad ping and a different server could be used to resolve this issue for both teams, but the other team insists on the default server, the first team may refuse to play. A support ticket with proper evidence should be written immediately. The match may then be rescheduled on discretion of the administration.

Game Settings

  • GAME MODE - Captains Mode
  • Lobby Password: Must be set
  • Server Location: See server location rules
  • Lobby visibility: Public
  • Enable Cheats: No
  • Selection Priority: See Sides and Draft Order rules
  • Penalty Radiant/Dire: No Penalty
  • League: None
  • Spectators: Enabled
  • Dota TV Delay: 2 Minutes
  • Pausing: Unlimited
  • Series Type: Depending on the game mode
  • Bot settings: No

Sides and Drafting Order

Selection Priority

The lobby owner sets Selection Priority to "Automatic (Coin Toss)".

If for some reason this ingame function does not work, Selection Priority must be set to "Manual". The lobby owner chooses "heads" or "tails" for their team and tosses a coin using the "/flip" command in the lobby chat once there is at least 1 player from each team in the lobby.
The coin toss winner may then choose one of the four: First pick, Second pick, Radiant or Dire. The other team then chooses between the remaining two* options.
*If Team A chooses a side (Radiant or Dire), Team B can only choose the pick order (first or second pick.) If Team A chooses the pick order (first or second pick), Team B can only choose side (Radiant or Dire).

Lineup Check

Both teams are responsible for checking their opponent's roster before the start of the game. If a roster is found not valid according to the rules, the team can refuse to start the game.

As soon as the first creep wave spawns, the game is considered ongoing and protests about the roster are no longer accepted.

Delays caused by invalid rosters are treated like any other delay and are covered in the Punctionality rules. However, every team has at least five (5) minutes to fix an invalid roster regardless of how much time is remaining.

During a game


Each team has the right to pause the game for an acceptable duration. The game must not be resumed before both teams agree to it. When the number or the duration of pauses becomes too high or long, the administration may force the continuation of the game.


If a player disconnects, the game must be paused instantly. Each player has up to ten (10) minutes to reconnect to the game. Once this time has passed, the opposing team may unpause the game without the other team's agreement.


Everyone who is allowed to spectate according to the spectator rules is allowed to provide a video stream with a delay of at least five minutes.

Broadcasters who are not directly in the game's lobby but who are using Dota TV to spectate may stream without any additional delay.

Players may never watch or listen to any broadcast of a match they are playing.


Abusing a bug is strictly forbidden.


The usage of any Dota-related tool aside from Steam during a match is strictly forbidden.

Game Ending

A game is finished when an Ancient is destroyed, when the majority of a team leaves on purpose, or when the administration decides that it has ended. A game is not forfeited when a player types "gg" or "ff".

After a game

Result submit

Both teams must enter the correct result on their match page immediately after the end of the match. If one side enters either a wrong result or none at all, their opponents must upload a scoreboard screenshot as proof of result and open a support ticket in a timely fashion.


Protests and complaints are only attended, if they get submit as a support ticket within ten minutes after the end of a match. Teams need to always make sure their protest contains all necessary information (for example screenshots or demo files). Tickets that are sent in after this period cannot be taken into consideration.

Rule Violation and Punishment

Breaking the rules or ignoring the instruction of an admin may result in a punishment for the whole team or a specific player. The type and amount is chosen by an admin.

Possible Punishments include but are not limited to:

  • Draft Penalty
  • Loss of one match
  • Disqualification from future cups
  • Disqualification from all future tournaments

Rule violations in external Dota 2 leagues or tournaments may also result in punishments for joinDOTA competitions.

Legal Process

Legal proceedings are not permitted.


Last update: 06.06.2019