
Playoff matches

1 Status 2
De Föredömda DF 1:0 GG Gankz Givin'
[#FeSzTyPiNcE] feszty 1:0 SBaR Sit Back and Relax
Team.AwayFromKeyboard Team.AFK 1:0 Mega Mega Creeps
The GateKeepers GK 0:1 FB FBubble
Error404 404 0:1 MS MonkaS
Mütze Muetze 1:0 PLS! Pour le Saucisson
Mumble Elite ME 1:0 HyPho Hyper Phoenix
Fellowship- [FS] 1:0 GM Guerilla Method
AbusementPark ABP 1:0 NwTS Nothing Was The Same
Dark Bisons Bisons 1:0 Partizan Partizanai
Complete Nonsense 79 1:0 AUDAX Team AUDAX
Blow Your Mind BYM 0:1 -0 Team Minusnull
Team Diggoo Diggoo 1:0 iMN Team iMN
FrenZii FrenZii 0:1 FGG Ferid gladna guzica
Raging Knight RK 0:1 TvOtt Topf voll Ott
Jabroni Beating! JB! 0:1 Stage5 Stage 5 Gaming
DX - Smash Thunderfist DXT 1:0 ED Establish Dominance
Priboj Pb 0:1 PPD Pretentious Postmodern Douchebags
Team Electro Magnetic Pulse tEMP 0:1 PPGJ Komanda Papagáž
Germanstack +1 +1 0:1 DG Digital Geniuses
Advanced Neolithic Baboons ANB 1:0 STR Käppä Escorts
Guapo TG 0:1 SI Spanish Inquisition
Trash Pandas TP 1:0 Sven Svenetration
Gäddvik Gaming GG 1:0 ES Echo Slam
Red Sky RSky 0:0 Pantheon Team Pantheon
The North Legion NL 0:1 LoH Legacy of Harmony
AGAIN AG 0:1 CN! Chamillionerf!
w3.420 w3.420 1:0 GremHouse Gremory Household
Sam's Choir Boys SCB 1:0 RF RagingFury
Kebab Boys Kebab 1:0 Enclave Enclave Gaming
Hoodlums |H| 1:0 WoA Wrath Of Anatolia
BeCreative BC 0:1 TSN Team Name
ARIS Esports ARIS 1:0 AS Angry Stags
Magdeburg-eSports MDeS 1:0 Animality Team Animality
Golden Gamers Xtravaganza Destruction GGXD 1:0 FF Feed Fetischisten
Feeding Pros Reborn FP.Reborn 0:1 TDH Team Dota Hönsen
Ocean Man OM 1:0 MONgolzzzz MONgolzzzz
Helsinki REDS hREDS 1:0 FAB5 Fabulous 5
Stompeadas STMP 0:1 EoTRF Explorers of The River Fag
Even Chuck Norris is scared SINCE 0:1 Kids Bunch of Kids
FireWall Gaming FireWall 1:0 [NH] NoHazard
LUL ez dotes LUL 1:0 MaeY Warcry MaeY
Super Warriors of Doom and Also Death SWoFDaAD 0:1 Nemiga Nemiga
Raccoons Imperial Pokerfaces RIP 0:1 Womb Womberers 0:1 Finland Team FINLAND
Yes Milord YML 1:0 AB gaming Abu Kalb gaming
We pick meepo Meep 0:1 4ls+h 4 Lerry Subs + 1 hater
Make skill Vision MsV 0:1 IFTF In For The Feed
Stronk Players StP 1:0 AsA Assassins
Harmonika Gajde Truba HGT 1:0 plan-B plan-B eSports DotA
Imperial Pro Gaming IPG 1:0 TnT Totally no Teamplay
Sinister 5 Sin5 1:0 Shuckle Shuckle
European Mafia Squad EMS 0:1 [9/11] A/pol/lo 9/11
Team Astralis Astralis 0:1 EX EXCELLENT
Dark Bisons Bisons 0:0 Btf Back to the future
0:1 WRG White Rabbit eSports
Komanda Papagáž PPGJ 0:1 PPD Pretentious Postmodern Douchebags
Nemiga Nemiga 1:0 DXT DX - Smash Thunderfist
Stage 5 Gaming Stage5 0:1 TvOtt Topf voll Ott
Legacy of Harmony LoH 1:0
Bunch of Kids Kids 0:1 LUL LUL ez dotes
Team Dota Hönsen TDH 0:1 IPG Imperial Pro Gaming
ARIS Esports ARIS 1:0 GG Gäddvik Gaming
Rozbíječi ROZ 1:0 XDS XDS
Magdeburg-eSports MDeS 1:0 OM Ocean Man
Ferid gladna guzica FGG 0:1 Diggoo Team Diggoo
Team Minusnull -0 0:1 Womb Womberers
Team FINLAND Finland 1:0 pippop Pippetipoppeti
Digital Geniuses DG 1:0 [9/11] A/pol/lo 9/11
WORK WORK WORKERS 0:1 ANB Advanced Neolithic Baboons
FireWall Gaming FireWall 1:0 DF De Föredömda
Chamillionerf! CN! 0:1 Sin5 Sinister 5
Team.AwayFromKeyboard Team.AFK 1:0 feszty [#FeSzTyPiNcE]
MonkaS MS 0:1 FB FBubble
Mumble Elite ME 1:0 Muetze Mütze
Nuclear Storm Gaming NSG 1:0 w3.420 w3.420
Hoodlums |H| 0:1 TSN Team Name
Kebab Boys Kebab 1:0 SCB Sam's Choir Boys
Explorers of The River Fag EoTRF 0:1 HGT Harmonika Gajde Truba
Helsinki REDS hREDS 0:1 GGXD Golden Gamers Xtravaganza Destruction
Trash Pandas TP 1:0 DDoS Gaming Darya Delan of Shiraz Gaming
Spanish Inquisition SI 1:0 YML Yes Milord
Complete Nonsense 79 1:0 4ls+h 4 Lerry Subs + 1 hater
In For The Feed IFTF 0:1 StP Stronk Players
AbusementPark ABP 1:0 [FS] Fellowship-
Stronk Players StP 1:0
White Rabbit eSports WRG 0:1 ANB Advanced Neolithic Baboons
Pretentious Postmodern Douchebags PPD 1:0 Nemiga Nemiga
Topf voll Ott TvOtt 1:0 Diggoo Team Diggoo
Womberers Womb 0:1 FireWall FireWall Gaming
Golden Gamers Xtravaganza Destruction GGXD 1:0 TP Trash Pandas
EXCELLENT EX 1:0 HGT Harmonika Gajde Truba
ARIS Esports ARIS 1:0 LUL LUL ez dotes
Imperial Pro Gaming IPG 1:0 Kebab Kebab Boys
Legacy of Harmony LoH 1:0 TSN Team Name
AbusementPark ABP 0:1 ME Mumble Elite
Magdeburg-eSports MDeS 0:1 ROZ Rozbíječi
Spanish Inquisition SI 0:1 79 Complete Nonsense
Digital Geniuses DG 1:0 Finland Team FINLAND
Nuclear Storm Gaming NSG 0:1 Sin5 Sinister 5
FBubble FB 1:0 Team.AFK Team.AwayFromKeyboard
Digital Geniuses DG 1:0 PPD Pretentious Postmodern Douchebags
Golden Gamers Xtravaganza Destruction GGXD 0:1 79 Complete Nonsense
Stronk Players StP 0:1 ME Mumble Elite
Topf voll Ott TvOtt 1:0 FireWall FireWall Gaming
FBubble FB 1:0 ANB Advanced Neolithic Baboons
Legacy of Harmony LoH 0:1 EX EXCELLENT
Imperial Pro Gaming IPG 1:0 Sin5 Sinister 5
Rozbíječi ROZ 1:0 ARIS ARIS Esports
Rozbíječi ROZ 1:0 IPG Imperial Pro Gaming
EXCELLENT EX 1:0 79 Complete Nonsense
Mumble Elite ME 1:0 FB FBubble
Digital Geniuses DG 0:1 TvOtt Topf voll Ott
Rozbíječi ROZ 2:1 EX EXCELLENT
Mumble Elite ME 0:2 TvOtt Topf voll Ott
