• Start Date:
  • End Date:
  • Type:
    LAN Event
  • Prize Pool:
  • Location:
    Seattle, USA
  • Host / Series:


# Team Prize (EUR)
NewB Newbee
4,521,620 EUR
Vici Gaming
VG Vici Gaming
1,327,000 EUR
Evil Geniuses
EG Evil Geniuses
933,883 EUR
737,255 EUR
LGD Gaming (Dark) LGD Gaming (Light)
LGD LGD Gaming
589,818 EUR
C9 Cloud9
589,818 EUR
Invictus Gaming
iG Invictus Gaming
466,793 EUR
Natus Vincere
NAVI Natus Vincere
466,793 EUR
Titan* Titan*
44,234 EUR
Team Liquid*
Liquid* Team Liquid*
44,234 EUR
Mousesports* '13-14
Mouz* Mousesports* '13-14
34,401 EUR
[A] Alliance
34,401 EUR
Team Empire
Empire Team Empire
19,654 EUR
Fnatic* Fnatic*
19,654 EUR
Natus Vincere NA*
Na'Vi.US* Natus Vincere NA*
Arrow Gaming*
Arrow* Arrow Gaming*

Main Event Grid

Main Event format:8 teams double-elimination stage. All matches are Best of 3. Grand Final is Best of 5.





Lineups & Team Presentations

Alliancese Gustav 's4' Magnussonse Joakim 'Akke' Akterhallse Jonathan 'Loda' Bergse Henrik 'AdmiralBulldog' Ahnbergse Jerry 'EGM' LundkvistTitanmy Chan 'Xtinct' Zhan Leongmy Lee 'Ky.xY' Kong Yangmy LimWai Pern 'Net' Wai Pernmy Chong Xin 'Ohaiyo' Khoomy Ng 'YamateH' Wei PoongEvil Geniusesus Mason 'mason' Venneca Artour 'Arteezy' Babaevus Saahil 'Universe' Aroraus Peter 'ppd' Dagerse Ludwig 'Zai' WåhlbergFnaticil Tal 'FlyMyShnekel' Aizikdk Johan 'n0tail' Sundsteinse Adrian 'Era' Kryeziufi Kalle 'Trixi' Saarinende Kai 'Hanni' HanbueckersNewBeecn Zhang 'xiao8' Ningcn Wang 'Banana' Jiaocn Zhang 'Mu' Pancn Chen 'Hao' Zhihaocn Wang 'SanSheng' ZhaohuiVici Gamingcn Chao 'Fenrir' Lucn Xu 'Fy' Linsencn Bai 'rOtk' Fancn Xie 'Super!' Junhaocn Lio 'Sylar' JiajunNatus Vincereee Clement 'Puppey' Ivanovua Alexander 'XBOCT' Dashkevichua Danil 'Dendi' Ishutinua Gleb 'Funn1k' Lipatnikovde Kuro S. 'KuroKy' TakhasomiDKcn Xu 'Burning' Zhileicn Zhang 'LaNm' Zhi Chengsg Daryl 'iceiceice' Koh Pei Xiangmy Chai 'Mushi' Yee Fungcn Lei 'MMY' Zeng RongInvictus Gamingcn Zeng 'Faith' Hongdacn Feichi 'Ferrari_430' Luocn Cen 'YYF' Jiangcn Luo 'Luo' Yingimy Wong Hock 'Chuan' ChuanCloud 9ca Jacky 'EternaLEnVy' Maoca Kurtis 'Aui_2000' Lingro Pittner 'bOne7' Armandnl Wehsing 'SingSing' Yuense Johan 'pieliedie' ÅströmTeam Empireua Andrey 'alwayswannafly' Bondarenkoua Roman 'Resolut1on' Fominokua Andrey 'Mag' Chipenkoru Ivan 'Vanskor' Skorokhodru Airat 'Silent' GazievNatus Vincere NAus Braxton 'Brax' Paulsonca Theeban '1437' Sivaus JingJun 'Sneyking' Wuus Ioannis 'Fogged' Loucasus Steven 'Korok' AshworthArrow Gamingmy Johnny 'JoHnNy' Leemy Chiok Soon 'XiangZai' Siangmy Kok Yi 'ddz' Liongmy Goh Choo 'MOZuN-' Jianmy Fua Hsien 'Lance' WanLGD Gamingcn Yao 'Yao' Zhengzhengcn Xie 'DD' Bincn Zhang 'Rabbit' Wangmo Leong 'DDC' Fatmengcn Xu 'Lin' ZiyangMousesportsse Per Anders 'Pajkatt' Olsson L.dk Rasmus 'Misery' Fillipsenus Arif 'MSS' Anwarde Adrian 'Fata-' Trinksde Pascal 'paS' LohmeierTeam Liquidus Sam 'Bulba' Sosaleca Tyler 'TC' Cookca Peter 'Waytosexy' Nguyende Max 'qojqva' Broeckerus Jimmy 'Pegasus' HoQualifiersAmericaSEAChinaEuropeUnion GamingSneaky Nyx AssasinsNo earthspiritShadows of the PasteHugCNB eSports ClubTeam LiquidIsurus GamingNatus Vincere NATOP5Revenge eSportsMineskiMiTH.TrustMVP PhoenixScythe First DepartureArrow GamingRex Regum QeonTeam ZephyrExecrationOrange EsportsTongFu.WanZhouLGD GamingCNB.cnOrendaDream Time.NGCCISSpeed Gaming.cnNew ElementLGD.CDECHyperGloryTeamNext.kzMeet Your MakersVirtus ProMousesportsrox.KISAware GamingRelax, you are doing finePower RangersTeam Coasthehe unitedTEAM PRESENTATIONS

Play-off / 3rd Phase

Play-off format:
Teams from 3rd to 10th place in groupstage are seeded in two bubble-race playoffs, 4 teams each.3rd and 4th places are seeded in last rounds, 6th and 5th places are seeded in second last round while teams from 7th place to 10th place are seeded in first round.All play-off matches are best of 3.Losers of first round will be elinimated from The International 2014. Winners of last round advance to the upper bracket of the Main Event. Other teams are seeded in the lower bracket.

Groupstage / 2nd Phase

Groupstage format:
One group of sixteen teams, every team plays one another once.All groupstage matches are best of 1.Top 2 teams will advance to the upper bracket of the Main Event, middle 8 will enter Phase 3, bottom 6 will be eliminated from The International 2014. #NameWL1cn Vici Gaming1232us Evil Geniuses1143cn DK1054cn Invictus Gaming965ua Natus Vincere876world Cloud 9877us Team Liquid878my Titan879world Mousesports789cn Newbee789cn LGD Gaming7812eu Fnatic6913ru Team Empire6914se The Alliance6915us Natus Vincere NA51016my Arrow Gaming213Legend:Team advances to Main Event's WBTeam advances to 3rd Phase / Round 3Team advances to 3rd Phase / Round 2Team advances to 3rd Phase / Round 1Team is eliminatedSchedule (Click to reveal)Schedule (Click to hide)Allua Na'Vius EGcn Vicius Na'Vicn NewBcn iGcn LGDmy Arrowworld Cloud 9se Allianceru Empireeu Fnaticworld Mouzmy Titancn DKus LiquidChoose timezone:CESTPDTEDTSGTGMTDate TimeTeam 1Team 2Date TimeTeam 1Team 209.07 18:0009.07 09:0009.07 12:0010.07 00:0009.07 16:00us EG0-1Cloud9 world09.07 18:0009.07 09:0009.07 12:0010.07 00:0009.07 16:00cn NewB1-0LGD cn09.07 18:0009.07 09:0009.07 12:0010.07 00:0009.07 16:00cn DK0-1Fnatic eu09.07 18:0009.07 09:0009.07 12:0010.07 00:0009.07 16:00se Alliance0-1iG cn 09.07 19:3009.07 10:3009.07 13:3010.07 01:3009.07 17:30my Arrow0-1EG us09.07 19:3009.07 10:3009.07 13:3010.07 01:3009.07 17:30my Titan1-0Empire ru09.07 19:3009.07 10:3009.07 13:3010.07 01:3009.07 17:30world Mouz0-1Vici cn09.07 19:3009.07 10:3009.07 13:3010.07 01:3009.07 17:30us Liquid0-1Na`Vi us 09.07 21:0009.07 12:0009.07 15:0010.07 03:0009.07 19:00my Arrow0-1Cloud 9 world09.07 21:0009.07 12:0009.07 15:0010.07 03:0009.07 19:00cn LGD0-1DK cn09.07 21:0009.07 12:0009.07 15:0010.07 03:0009.07 19:00eu Fnatic1-0Na`Vi ua09.07 21:0009.07 12:0009.07 15:0010.07 03:0009.07 19:00cn NewB1-0iG cn 09.07 22:3009.07 13:3009.07 16:3010.07 04:3009.07 20:30se Alliance0-1Titan my09.07 22:3009.07 13:3009.07 16:3010.07 04:3009.07 20:30ua Na`Vi1-0Vici cn09.07 22:3009.07 13:3009.07 16:3010.07 04:3009.07 20:30eu Fnatic0-1Na`Vi us09.07 22:3009.07 13:3009.07 16:3010.07 04:3009.07 20:30ru Empire1-0Mouz world 10.07 00:0009.07 15:0009.07 18:0010.07 06:0009.07 22:00se Alliance0-1NewB cn10.07 00:0009.07 15:0009.07 18:0010.07 06:0009.07 22:00us Liquid1-0DK cn10.07 00:0009.07 15:0009.07 18:0010.07 06:0009.07 22:00world Cloud 91-0Titan my10.07 00:0009.07 15:0009.07 18:0010.07 06:0009.07 22:00cn LGD0-1EG us 10.07 01:3009.07 16:3009.07 19:3010.07 07:3009.07 23:30cn iG1-0Arrow my10.07 01:3009.07 16:3009.07 19:3010.07 07:3009.07 23:30cn Vici1-0Empire ru10.07 01:3009.07 16:3009.07 19:3010.07 07:3009.07 23:30ua Na`Vi1-0Mouz world10.07 01:3009.07 16:3009.07 19:3010.07 07:3009.07 23:30us Na`Vi1-0LGD cn 10.07 03:0009.07 18:0009.07 21:0010.07 09:0010.07 01:00cn iG1-0DK cn10.07 03:0009.07 18:0009.07 21:0010.07 09:0010.07 01:00us EG1-0Fnatic eu10.07 03:0009.07 18:0009.07 21:0010.07 09:0010.07 01:00world Mouz1-0Cloud 9 world10.07 03:0009.07 18:0009.07 21:0010.07 09:0010.07 01:00cn NewB0-1Liquid us 10.07 04:3009.07 19:3009.07 22:3010.07 10:3010.07 02:30my Arrow0-1Alliance se10.07 04:3009.07 19:3009.07 22:3010.07 10:3010.07 02:30cn Vici1-0Titan my10.07 04:3009.07 19:3009.07 22:3010.07 10:3010.07 02:30world Cloud 91-0Na`Vi us10.07 04:3009.07 19:3009.07 22:3010.07 10:3010.07 02:30ru Empire0-1Na`Vi ua 10.07 06:0009.07 21:0010.07 00:0010.07 12:0010.07 04:00cn DK1-0Alliance se10.07 06:0009.07 21:0010.07 00:0010.07 12:0010.07 04:00eu Fnatic1-0NewB cn10.07 06:0009.07 21:0010.07 00:0010.07 12:0010.07 04:00us Liquid1-0EG us10.07 06:0009.07 21:0010.07 00:0010.07 12:0010.07 04:00cn LGD1-0Arrow my 10.07 18:0010.07 09:0010.07 12:0011.07 00:0010.07 16:00cn iG1-0Mouz world10.07 18:0010.07 09:0010.07 12:0011.07 00:0010.07 16:00us Liquid1-0Fnatic eu10.07 18:0010.07 09:0010.07 12:0011.07 00:0010.07 16:00us Na`Vi0-1Empire ru10.07 18:0010.07 09:0010.07 12:0011.07 00:0010.07 16:00my Titan1-0NewB cn 10.07 19:3010.07 10:3010.07 13:3011.07 01:3010.07 17:30cn iG1-0EG us10.07 19:3010.07 10:3010.07 13:3011.07 01:3010.07 17:30world Cloud 90-1Na`Vi ua10.07 19:3010.07 10:3010.07 13:3011.07 01:3010.07 17:30my Arrow0-1DK cn10.07 19:3010.07 10:3010.07 13:3011.07 01:3010.07 17:30cn LGD0-1Vici cn 10.07 21:0010.07 12:0010.07 15:0011.07 03:0010.07 19:00cn LGD1-0Fnatic eu10.07 21:0010.07 12:0010.07 15:0011.07 03:0010.07 19:00my Titan1-0Na`Vi ua10.07 21:0010.07 12:0010.07 15:0011.07 03:0010.07 19:00world Mouz0-1Alliance se10.07 21:0010.07 12:0010.07 15:0011.07 03:0010.07 19:00cn Vici1-0Na`Vi us 10.07 22:3010.07 13:3010.07 16:3011.07 04:3010.07 20:30ru Empire0-1Liquid us10.07 22:3010.07 13:3010.07 16:3011.07 04:3010.07 20:30my Titan1-0Arrow my10.07 22:3010.07 13:3010.07 16:3011.07 04:3010.07 20:30cn DK1-0Cloud 9 world10.07 22:3010.07 13:3010.07 16:3011.07 04:3010.07 20:30us EG1-0NewB cn 11.07 00:0010.07 15:0010.07 18:0011.07 06:0010.07 22:00cn LGD1-0Liquid us11.07 00:0010.07 15:0010.07 18:0011.07 06:0010.07 22:00us Na`Vi1-0iG cn11.07 00:0010.07 15:0010.07 18:0011.07 06:0010.07 22:00world Mouz0-1DK cn11.07 00:0010.07 15:0010.07 18:0011.07 06:0010.07 22:00ru Empire0-1Alliance se 11.07 01:3010.07 16:3010.07 19:3011.07 07:3010.07 23:30cn Vici 1-0Fnatic eu11.07 01:3010.07 16:3010.07 19:3011.07 07:3010.07 23:30world Cloud 90-1NewB cn11.07 01:3010.07 16:3010.07 19:3011.07 07:3010.07 23:30my Arrow0-1Mouz world11.07 01:3010.07 16:3010.07 19:3011.07 07:3010.07 23:30ua Na`Vi0-1EG us 11.07 03:0010.07 18:0010.07 21:0011.07 09:0011.07 01:00ru Empire0-1DK cn11.07 03:0010.07 18:0010.07 21:0011.07 09:0011.07 01:00se Alliance1-0Na`Vi us11.07 03:0010.07 18:0010.07 21:0011.07 09:0011.07 01:00us Liquid0-1Cloud 9 world11.07 03:0010.07 18:0010.07 21:0011.07 09:0011.07 01:00my Titan0-1iG cn 11.07 04:3010.07 19:3010.07 22:3011.07 10:3011.07 02:30cn Vici1-0NewB cn11.07 04:3010.07 19:3010.07 22:3011.07 10:3011.07 02:30us Na`Vi0-1Arrow my11.07 04:3010.07 19:3010.07 22:3011.07 10:3011.07 02:30ua Na`Vi1-0LGD cn11.07 04:3010.07 19:3010.07 22:3011.07 10:3011.07 02:30se Alliance0-1Fnatic eu 11.07 06:0010.07 21:0011.07 00:0011.07 12:0011.07 04:00cn NewB1-0Mouz world11.07 06:0010.07 21:0011.07 00:0011.07 12:0011.07 04:00my Arrow1-0Liquid us11.07 06:0010.07 21:0011.07 00:0011.07 12:0011.07 04:00cn iG0-1Empire ru11.07 06:0010.07 21:0011.07 00:0011.07 12:0011.07 04:00us EG1-0Titan my 11.07 18:0011.07 09:0011.07 12:0012.07 00:0011.07 16:00ua Na`Vi0-1Na`Vi us11.07 18:0011.07 09:0011.07 12:0012.07 00:0011.07 16:00cn DK0-1Vici cn11.07 18:0011.07 09:0011.07 12:0012.07 00:0011.07 16:00eu Fnatic0-1iG cn11.07 18:0011.07 09:0011.07 12:0012.07 00:0011.07 16:00cn LGD1-0Alliance se 11.07 19:3011.07 10:3011.07 13:3012.07 01:3011.07 17:30world Cloud 91-0Empire ru11.07 19:3011.07 10:3011.07 13:3012.07 01:3011.07 17:30cn DK0-1Titan my11.07 19:3011.07 10:3011.07 13:3012.07 01:3011.07 17:30my Arrow0-1Fnatic eu11.07 19:3011.07 10:3011.07 13:3012.07 01:3011.07 17:30eu Mouz0-1EG us 11.07 21:0011.07 12:0011.07 15:0012.07 03:0011.07 19:00ru Empire0-1LGD cn11.07 21:0011.07 12:0011.07 15:0012.07 03:0011.07 19:00cn DK1-0Na`Vi us11.07 21:0011.07 12:0011.07 15:0012.07 03:0011.07 19:00cn iG0-1Liquid us11.07 21:0011.07 12:0011.07 15:0012.07 03:0011.07 19:00us EG1-0Vici cn 11.07 22:3011.07 13:3011.07 16:3012.07 04:3011.07 20:30world Mouz1-0Titan my11.07 22:3011.07 13:3011.07 16:3012.07 04:3011.07 20:30us Na`Vi0-1NewB cn11.07 22:3011.07 13:3011.07 16:3012.07 04:3011.07 20:30ua Na`Vi1-0Liquid us11.07 22:3011.07 13:3011.07 16:3012.07 04:3011.07 20:30se Alliance0-1Vici cn 12.07 00:0011.07 15:0011.07 18:0012.07 06:0011.07 22:00cn iG1-0LGD cn12.07 00:0011.07 15:0011.07 18:0012.07 06:0011.07 22:00my Titan1-0Na`Vi us12.07 00:0011.07 15:0011.07 18:0012.07 06:0011.07 22:00ua Na`Vi0-1DK cn12.07 00:0011.07 15:0011.07 18:0012.07 06:0011.07 22:00se Alliance1-0Cloud 9 world 12.07 01:3011.07 16:3011.07 19:3012.07 07:3011.07 23:30ru Empire0-1EG us12.07 01:3011.07 16:3011.07 19:3012.07 07:3011.07 23:30world Mouz1-0Fnatic eu12.07 01:3011.07 16:3011.07 19:3012.07 07:3011.07 23:30us Liquid0-1Vici cn12.07 01:3011.07 16:3011.07 19:3012.07 07:3011.07 23:30cn NewB1-0Arrow my 12.07 03:0011.07 18:0011.07 21:0012.07 09:0012.07 01:00world Cloud 91-0iG cn12.07 03:0011.07 18:0011.07 21:0012.07 09:0012.07 01:00ua Na'Vi1-0Arrow my12.07 03:0011.07 18:0011.07 21:0012.07 09:0012.07 01:00my Titan0-1LGD cn12.07 03:0011.07 18:0011.07 21:0012.07 09:0012.07 01:00cn NewB0-1DK cn 12.07 04:3011.07 19:3011.07 22:3012.07 10:3012.07 02:30us EG1-0Na`Vi us12.07 04:3011.07 19:3011.07 22:3012.07 10:3012.07 02:30us Liquid1-0Alliance se12.07 04:3011.07 19:3011.07 22:3012.07 10:3012.07 02:30cn LGD0-1Mouz world12.07 04:3011.07 19:3011.07 22:3012.07 10:3012.07 02:30cn NewB0-1Empire ru 12.07 06:0011.07 21:0012.07 00:0012.07 12:0012.07 04:00cn iG1-0Na`Vi ua12.07 06:0011.07 21:0012.07 00:0012.07 12:0012.07 04:00cn Vici0-1Cloud 9 world12.07 06:0011.07 21:0012.07 00:0012.07 12:0012.07 04:00us Liquid1-0Titan my12.07 06:0011.07 21:0012.07 00:0012.07 12:0012.07 04:00eu Fnatic0-1Empire ru 12.07 18:0012.07 09:0012.07 12:0013.07 00:0012.07 16:00ru Empire1-0Arrow my12.07 18:0012.07 09:0012.07 12:0013.07 00:0012.07 16:00eu Fnatic0-1Titan my12.07 18:0012.07 09:0012.07 12:0013.07 00:0012.07 16:00world Cloud 90-1LGD cn12.07 18:0012.07 09:0012.07 12:0013.07 00:0012.07 16:00cn NewB0-1Na`Vi ua 12.07 19:3012.07 10:3012.07 13:3013.07 01:3012.07 17:30my Arrow0-1Vici cn12.07 19:3012.07 10:3012.07 13:3013.07 01:3012.07 17:30us Na`Vi0-1Mouz world12.07 19:3012.07 10:3012.07 13:3013.07 01:3012.07 17:30cn DK1-0EG us12.07 19:3012.07 10:3012.07 13:3013.07 01:3012.07 17:30ua Na`Vi0-1Alliance se 12.07 21:0012.07 12:0012.07 15:0013.07 03:0012.07 19:00cn Vici1-0iG cn12.07 21:0012.07 12:0012.07 15:0013.07 03:0012.07 19:00world Mouz1-0Liquid us12.07 21:0012.07 12:0012.07 15:0013.07 03:0012.07 19:00us EG1-0Alliance se12.07 21:0012.07 12:0012.07 15:0013.07 03:0012.07 19:00eu Fnatic1-0Cloud 9 world12.07 22:3012.07 13:3012.07 16:3013.07 04:3012.07 20:30world Mouz-LGD cn13.07 00:0012.07 15:0012.07 18:0013.07 06:0012.07 22:00cn NewB-Mouz world13.07 01:3012.07 16:3012.07 19:3013.07 07:3012.07 23:30cn LGD-NewB cn

Play-in / 1st Phase

Play-in format:
Four runner-ups from qualifiers are seeded into single-elimination bracket.All play-in matches are best of 3.Winner advances to groupstage while other teams are eliminated from tournament.

Solo Championship

Solo Championship games will be shown on TI4 EN #3 stream.


Qualifier details:In each region, teams will play against each other on round-robin groupstage.All groupstage matches are Best of 1.Top four teams will advance to playoffs, with top two being seeded in upper bracket and teams from 3rd and 4th place are seeded in lower bracket.All playoffs matches except final are Best of 3. Final will be Best of 5.AmericasSoutheast AsiaChinaEurope
All times are CESTShow ResultsHide ResultsStream 1EU HubStream 2jD BlueStream 3jD RedStream 4jD Community12.05.1418:00pe Revengear IsurusScore1:0us SotPus SNAScore0:1br CNBus Top5Score1:0us eHugpe UnionScore0:1VodVodVod12.05.1419:20us No Earthbr CNBScore0:1us Top5us eHugScore1:0us NARus SotPScore1:0ar Isurusus SNAScore0:1VodVodVodVod12.05.1420:40us Liquidpe RevengeScore1:0us NARar IsurusScore1:0pe Unionbr CNBScore1:0us SotPus eHugScore0:1VodVodVodVod12.05.1422:00us Liquidus SNAScore1:0pe Unionus No EarthScore1:0us Top5us SotPScore1:0br CNBar IsurusScore1:0VodVodVodVod12.05.1423:20ar Isurusus eHugScore0:1us No Earthus Top5Score0:1us Liquidbr CNBScore1:0pe Revengeus SNAScore1:0VodVodVodVod13.05.1400:40us NARpe RevengeScore1:0us Liquidus eHugScore1:0us SotPpe UnionScore1:0us SNAus No EarthScore1:0VodVodVod13.05.1402:00us Top5pe UnionScore1:0us SNAbr CNBScore1:0us No Earthar IsurusScore1:0us Liquidus NARScore0:1VodVodVodVod13.05.1418:00us NARus SNAScore1:0pe Unionar IsurusScore1:0us Liquidus No EarthScore1:0pe Revengeus eHugScore0:1VodVodVodVod13.05.1419:20us Liquidar IsurusScore1:0us NARus Top5Score1:0us eHugus SNAScore1:0br CNBpe RevengeScore1:0VodVodVodVod13.05.1420:40ar Isurusus Top5Score1:0br CNBus SotPScore0:1pe Revengeus No EarthScore0:1us NARus eHugScore1:0VodVodVodVod13.05.1422:00ar Isurusus SotPScore0:1pe Revengeus Top5Score1:0us No Earthus NARScore0:1us SNApe UnionScore1:0VodVodVodVod13.05.1423:20br CNBus NARScore0:1us SotPus No EarthScore1:0pe Unionpe RevengeScore0:1us Liquidus Top5Score1:0VodVodVod14.05.1400:40pe Unionus NARScore1:0us eHugbr CNBScore1:0us Top5us SNAScore1:0us Liquidus SotPScore1:0VodVodVodVod14.05.1402:00us eHugus No EarthScore1:0us SotPpe RevengeScore0:1us Liquidpe UnionScore0:1VodVodVodTiebreaksus eHugus SNAScore1:0pe Unionus eHugScore1:0us SNApe UnionScore1:0VodVod
All times are CESTShow ResultsHide ResultsStream 1EU HubStream 2jD BlueStream 3jD CommunityStream 4jD Red16.05.1406:00my Arrowid RRQScore1:0sg Scytheph Execr.Score1:0th MiTHkr MVPScore0:1us Zephyrsg FDScore1:0VodVodVodVod16.05.1407:20sg Scythesg FDScore0:1ph Mineskimy OrangeScore0:1id RRQkr MVPScore1:0my Arrowph Execr.Score1:0VodVodVodVod16.05.1408:40us Zephyrph MineskiScore0:1my Arrowkr MVPScore1:0ph Execr.sg FDScore1:0th MiTHmy OrangeScore0:1VodVodVodVod16.05.1410:00sg Scytheph MineskiScore0:1th MiTHus ZephyrScore1:0id RRQmy OrangeScore0:1my Arrowsg FDScore1:0VodVodVod16.05.1411:20kr MVPmy OrangeScore1:0ph Execr.ph MineskiScore0:1sg Scytheth MiTHScore0:1id RRQus ZephyrScore1:0VodVodVod16.05.1412:40ph Execr.th MiTHScore0:1kr MVPus ZephyrScore1:0my Arrowmy OrangeScore1:0sg FDph MineskiScore0:1VodVodVod16.05.1414:00my Orangeus ZephyrScore1:0my Arrowph MineskiScore1:0sg FDth MiTHScore1:0id RRQsg ScytheScore0:1VodVodVodVod17.05.1406:00my Arrowus ZephyrScore1:0ph Execr.id RRQScore0:1kr MVPsg ScytheScore1:0ph Mineskith MiTHScore0:1VodVodVodVod17.05.1407:20sg FDid RRQScore1:0kr MVPph Execr.Score1:0my Arrowth MiTHScore0:1my Orangesg ScytheScore0:1VodVodVod17.05.1408:40us Zephyrsg ScytheScore1:0ph Mineskiid RRQScore1:0my Orangeph Execr.Score1:0sg FDkr MVPScore0:1VodVodVodVod17.05.1410:00my Orangesg FDScore0:1th MiTHid RRQScore0:1ph Mineskikr MVPScore0:1us Zephyrph Execr.Score1:0VodVodVodVod17.05.1411:20my Arrowsg ScytheScore0:1VodTiebreaksmy Orangeth MiTHScore0:1th MiTHph MineskiScore0:1ph Mineskimy OrangeScore1:0
All times are CESTShow ResultsHide ResultsStream 1EU HubStream 2jD BlueStream 3jD CommunityStream 4jD Red20.05.1406:00cn LGDcn SpeedScore1:0cn DT.NGCcn CNB.cnScore1:0cn HGTcn LGDcdecScore1:0cn CIScn NEScore1:0VodVodVodVod20.05.1407:20cn DT.NGCcn NEScore0:1cn TongFucn OrendaScore0:1cn Speedcn LGDcdecScore1:0VodVodVod20.05.1408:40cn CIScn TongFuScore0:1cn LGDcn LGDcdecScore1:0cn CNB.cncn NEScore0:1cn HGTcn OrendaScore1:0VodVodVodVod20.05.1410:00cn LGDcn NEScore1:0cn HGTcn CISScore1:0cn Speedcn OrendaScore1:0cn DT.NGCcn TongFuScore1:0VodVodVodVod20.05.1411:20cn LGDcdeccn OrendaScore1:0cn CNB.cncn TongFuScore0:1cn DT.NGCcn HGTScore1:0cn Speedcn CISScore0:1VodVodVodVod20.05.1412:40cn CNB.cncn HGTScore0:1cn LGDcdeccn CISScore1:0cn LGDcn OrendaScore1:0cn NEcn TongFuScore0:1VodVodVodVod20.05.1414:00cn Orendacn CISScore0:1cn LGDcn TongFuScore1:0cn NEcn HGTScore1:0cn Speedcn DT.NGCScore0:1VodVodVod20.05.1415:20cn LGDcn CNB.cnScore1:021.05.1406:00cn LGDcn CISScore0:1cn CNB.cncn SpeedScore0:1cn LGDcdeccn DT.NGCScore1:0cn TongFucn HGTScore1:0VodVodVodVod21.05.1407:20cn NEcn SpeedScore0:1cn LGDcdeccn CNB.cnScore1:0cn LGDcn HGTScore1:0cn Orendacn DT.NGCScore0:1VodVodVodVod21.05.1408:40cn CIScn DT.NGCScore1:0cn TongFucn SpeedScore1:0cn Orendacn CNB.cnScore0:1cn NEcn LGDcdecScore0:1VodVodVodVod21.05.1410:00cn Orendacn NEScore0:1cn HGTcn SpeedScore1:0cn TongFucn LGDcdecScore1:0cn CIScn CNB.cnScore1:0VodVodVodVod21.05.1411:20cn LGDcn DT.NGCScore1:0VodTiebreakscn CIScn TongfuScore1:0cn DT.NGCcn HGTScore1:0cn LGDcdeccn DT.NGCScore0:1cn LGDcdeccn HGTScore-VodVod
All times are CESTShow ResultsHide ResultsStream 1EU HubStream 2jD BlueStream 3jD CommunityStream 4jD Red24.05.1412:00ru RoXru AwareScore1:0world Mouzeu heheScore1:0by PRkz xGameScore1:0ru VPru RelaxScore1:024.05.1413:20world Mouzru RelaxScore1:0se Coastdk MYMScore1:0ru Awarekz xGameScore0:1ru RoXeu heheScore1:024.05.1414:40ru VPse CoastScore0:1ru RoXkz xGameScore1:0eu heheru RelaxScore0:1by PRdk MYMScore1:024.05.1416:00world Mouzse CoastScore1:0by PRru VPScore0:1ru Awaredk MYMScore0:1ru RoXru RelaxScore1:024.05.1417:20kz xGamedk MYMScore1:0eu hehese CoastScore0:1world Mouzby PRScore1:0ru Awareru VPScore0:124.05.1418:40eu heheby PRScore1:0kz xGameru VPScore1:0ru RoXdk MYMScore1:0ru Relaxse CoastScore0:124.05.1420:00dk MYMru VPScore0:1ru RoXse CoastScore1:0ru Relaxby PRScore0:1ru Awareworld MouzScore0:125.05.1412:00ru RoXru VPScore1:0eu heheru AwareScore0:1kz xGameworld MouzScore0:1se Coastby PRScore1:025.05.1413:20ru Relaxru AwareScore1:0kz xGameeu heheScore0:1ru RoXby PRScore1:0dk MYMworld MouzScore0:125.05.1414:40ru VPworld MouzScore0:1se Coastru AwareScore1:0dk MYMeu heheScore0:1ru Relaxkz xGameScore1:025.05.1416:00dk MYMru RelaxScore1:0by PRru AwareScore1:0se Coastkz xGameScore0:1ru VPeu heheScore1:025.05.1417:20ru RoXworld MouzScore1:0
